Purchased Item(s)

This tutorial will demonstrate how to create customer segments based on the purchase of two specific items.

Segmenting Purchasers

  1. Click Segments in the main navigation.

  2. Then, click Add New Segment

  3. Name the segment and click Save.

  4. First, let's limit our segment so that it only finds customers who have opted-in to our master marketing list using the List Subscriptions & List Data, plus a filter for Subscribed to List:

  1. Next, we'll employ the Purchase Activity context along with a couple of filters for Purchased an item whose name and combine two filters in the group with the OR operator. Then, we'll set a timeframe context to isolate only customers who have purchased either of those items within the last year:
  1. Click Save Changes and the segment will take a few minutes to find those customers that match your filters.