First Name Variable

We gather the first name of a customer in two ways:

  1. The name is passed to us using the first_name parameter in a List.
  2. We capture a name from form inputs on your site.

First Name Field

In your Lists, you can pass us a customer's first name just as easily as you can pass us a customer's email address. We can gather the customer's first name via data you push to use via the API, when you update a List with customer data, or when a customer enters their first name into a field on your site.

Sending Subscriber's First Name via API

To see how to do this via our API [click here].

Sending Subscriber's First Name via Manual Upload

To see how to do this via our List Update [click here].

Setting Subscriber's First Name via Field Input

Full-site tracking allows Rejoiner to see which field inputs are filled by your customers. Using this, you can tell us which inputs to track as the places where a customer may add their first name.

In your Account Settings, scroll to the Email Personalization tab and add the field's name attribute into the textbox and save your settings.
