This tutorial covers how to set up custom attribution rules that determine when Rejoiner attributes revenue to your email marketing.
To configure revenue attribution for your account, start by clicking Settings in the main nav.
Then locate the Attribution tab:
Setting Your Attribution Window
Rejoiner enables you to configure two dimensions of attribution:
The events that must occur prior to purchase: opens, clicks, or both.
The timeframe where a subsequent purchase must occur in order for the revenue to be attributed. This is also referred to as a "lookback window".
Open and Click. 1-day lookback:
In this example, the attribution window is set to trigger on both an open or a click of a Rejoiner email and the purchase must occur within 1 day of either of those events occurring:
Click only. 3-day lookback:
In this example, the attribution window is set to trigger only if a click occurs and the purchase must occur within 3 days:
vs. Google Analytics Last-Click
Our attribution modeling will not align with Google Analytics dollar for dollar. Here's why:
Google Analytics uses last-click attribution by default. This model attributes 100% of the conversion value to the last channel the customer clicked before buying. This means that GA reporting will only attribute revenue when a customer clicks and converts with no other marketing interaction in between.
This doesn't tell the complete story, as email marketing can influence purchase behavior in ways that last-click doesn't capture. For example, last-click wouldn't capture a customer who opens an email, copies a promo code, and then returns to the site directly to purchase. And it wouldn't capture a situation where a customer clicks on an email, then an Instagram Ad, and then purchases.
Rejoiner's attribution model is engagement (open or click) based, where the order converts within a defined lookback window, relative to those events occurring. This means that when a user opens or clicks on a Rejoiner email and converts within your specified lookback window, we attribute the revenue generated from that order back to the last campaign the customer interacted with.
Updated over 3 years ago