These configuration events can be used to control how form tracking is implemented.

By default, Rejoiner will scan all text inputs for email addresses and name information. If you want to exclude forms and/or specific fields, or if you want to only scan specific forms and/or fields, you can use the endpoints below. For example, if there is HTML markup like below:

<form id="form1">
  <input type="text" id="fieldId1" name="fieldName1" />
  <input type="text" id="fieldId2" name="fieldName2" />
  <input type="password" id="fieldId3" name="fieldName3" />
<form id="form2">
  <input type="text" id="fieldId4" name="fieldName4" />
  <input type="text" id="fieldId5" name="fieldName5" />
  <input type="password" id="fieldId6" name="fieldName6" />

By default, all of the text inputs will be scanned.

All of the following endpoints that an array of strings as parameters, indicating the form IDs, field IDs, or field names to include or exclude.

// Exclude Fields by ID
_rejoiner.push(['setExcludeFieldID', ['fieldId1']]);

// Exclude Fields by Name
_rejoiner.push(['setExcludeFieldName', ['fieldName1', 'fieldName2']]);

// Only Scan Specific Fields by ID
_rejoiner.push(['setIncludeOnlyFieldID', ['fieldID4']]);

// Only Scan Specific Fields by Name
_rejoiner.push(['setIncludeOnlyFieldName', ['fieldName4']]);

// Only Scan Specific Forms by ID
_rejoiner.push(['setIncludeOnlyFormID', ['form2']]);

These can be combined to provide flexibility in determining the fields to scan. The order of priority is as follows:

  1. If setIncludeOnlyFormID was called and the field is not part of the forms specified, it is ignored, otherwise, continues to the next check.

  2. If setIncludeOnlyFieldID was called and the field's ID was not specified, it is ignored, otherwise, continues to the next check.

  3. If setIncludeOnlyFieldName was called and the field's name was not specified, it is ignored, otherwise, continues to the next check.

  4. If setExcludeFieldId was called and the field's ID was specified, it is ignored, otherwise, continues to the next check.

  5. If setExcludeFieldName was called and the field's name was specified, it is ignored, otherwise, continues to the next check.

  6. If the field is a password input, it is always ignored.

  7. The field has passed all checks and is scanned for email addresses.

Disable Form Tracking

Form tracking can be disabled entirely by calling formTrackingwith a value of false.

_rejoiner.push(['formTracking', false]);